Keynote Speaker Topic:
Million Dollar Mastery

Propel Your Brand Forward in the New Economy

In a border-less society connected by social media and 24/7 news, consumers are more connected, educated and demanding than ever. Your business, brand, technology, idea and message compete in a global economy. How well you navigate this “new normal” will determine your success or failure.

Trust, authority, profitability, and sustainability are essential to creating a million-dollar brand. Each is tied to the other, and none can be achieved without a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy. Rebecca reveals a blueprint to mastering one’s destiny, attracting the best customers, talent, partners, investors, media; and continuously achieving the next level of success.

The Million Dollar Mastery Keynote Covers:

  • The most influential factors that determine winners and losers in the digital age.
  • Compelling data on the benefits of a “digital first” mindset.
  • Proven framework to build and execute a sound digital strategy.
  • Tips on leading effectively across multi-generational audiences.
  • Lessons from real-world stories of surprising successes and shocking failures.
  • Simple steps that immediately maximize performance and profitability.

Rebecca will customize her Million Dollar Mastery keynote to meet your needs and objectives.

Related Book: The Million Dollar Mastery Keynote builds upon digital topics covered in the book Million Dollar Websites by Rebecca Murtagh.
Please contact us to purchase books at a quantity discount for attendees of your event.

This keynote is also available as a Workshop expanding on the keynote, or as a stand-alone workshop.

View Additional Keynote Topics:

Crowd Compass:
The Mega-Strategy to Consistently Win Loyal Customers for Life

When you understand how to harness the power of the crowd, you can apply the same principles over and again. Click to learn more about this keynote and related workshop.

Crowd Compass is based on the book Crowd Success by Rebecca Murtagh.

The Influence Code:
Building an Attraction-Based Business

If You Build It RIGHT, They WILL Come.
Click to learn more about this keynote and related workshop.
