With Mobile internet browsing growing each and every day, and Google’s dominance in websites visited using moble browsers, it makes perfect sense that mobile advertising and marketing will follow. Google is blazing the trail in leveraging the mobile platform as an advertising and revenue source.
“…the mobile web is still in its eary stages” – Google
eMarketer predicts that spending on mobile advertising will continue to increase over coming years, reaching an estimated $1.56 billion by 2013.
Of the the nearly $24 billion to be spent for online advertising in 2009, mobile ad spending was expected to reach $416 million in 2009. Compare this to the $51 billion on TV adsvertisements and $38 billion for newspaper ads.
It may be early in the game, but Google is making a major commitment to the mobile space.
Google Leading The Trail to Mobile
Google announced to Adwords advertisers that , beginning this month, (January 2010) that “Click to Call” to Adwords PPC Advertisements will appear on high-end mobile devices such as smartphones, iPhones, and of course the much-anticipated Google “Nexus One” droid phones…as unveiled today.
For the mobile advertiser:
“Click to Call” indicates yet another method for conversion for PPC ads, as the click on the phone number within the mobile ad directly places the call directly on the phone.
For the mobile device user:
“Click to Call” offers ease of access to the advertiser.
View the types of Mobile Advertising Google is targeting with the acquisiton of AdMob’s mobile display ad technology.
2 more things I’d like to mention:
- As an advocate of natural, organic search engine optimization, is with Google Search as the #1 website accessed over websites in 2009 (Jan-Sept 2009 as reported by Nielsen) and the preference of users to organic listings to paid, being search engine optimized AND mobile-friendly will continue to pay off.
- Click to Call has been launched by Google before. In fact, “Click to Call” feature dates back to 2005. However, Google’s acquisition of AdMob demontrates a serious commitment to the mobile web, indicating great expectations for mobile advertising (and revenue) in the future.