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Netiquette is a Must in Today’s Social Media Landscape

Social Media Etiquette Tips You Can Use

Etiquette Couns on Social Media Too!

Emily Post became the authority on social etiquette when she published her first book on social graces; Etiquette: The Blue Book of Social Usage, also named Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home in 1922. In the age of calling-cards and high-society, how well one followed proper social etiquette could impact social status, success in business and politics. Social interaction was deliberate and formal in that age. Fast-forward to today where interactions occur in seconds, often without little thought, and it seems the art of etiquette is a lost art.

Social media has made connecting with others easier than ever. That doesn’t mean that implied rules do not apply. Each social media platform has its own nuances. However there are some basics that would be useful to those new to social media, and many experienced social personalities could benefit from.

Social Media Etiquette Dos and Don’t s:

  • Graciously accept invitations to connect from people you know.
  • Reach out to those you wish to connect with, once. Let them decide whether and how to accept or reciprocate.
  • Connect with all those you know and are willing to be associated with in the public eye.
  • Acknowledge introductions and recommendations with a personal thank you by email, phone call, direct message.
  • Make requested introductions online (and in-person) when you are comfortable with the implied endorsement.
  • Be generous in helping those you wish to support with recommendations, reviews, endorsements, shares, etc.
  • Never share personal data or contact information of a connection without their permission.
  • Reciprocate and/or thank those who frequently “like”, “+”, comment or generously share your content, social media posts and updates whenever possible.
  • Do not take liberties that extend beyond the scope of your relationship, like adding a connection to your daily email list and spamming them with emails about your wares. Invite them to opt-in, let them decide.
  • When in doubt on what is proper, take the conservative path.
  • Remember that everything you write, post, comment on and share on the internet is archived somewhere (even if you delete it) and can appear at any time, so communication should always be consistently with your brand and perspective.
  • Take time to learn the “unwritten rules” of each social media platform, and abide by them.

Whether you connect with 5, 500, 5,000 or a million others on social media, you are more likely to find engagement rewarding and beneficial when you apply social grace to your interactions and communications.

Are there any social media etiquette tips you would add?

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Brand Marketing

Happy Birthday Tiffany’s – Epitome of a Sustainable Brand

Tiffany & Co.
Celebrating a 175 Year Old Brandsignature box of the Tiffany & Co. brand

Sustaining a brand for nearly 200 years is no small fete in the accelerating age of change and global competition. Yet the brand, anchored by its signature teal color box wrapped in white ribbon featuring the simple logo has become so recognizable, that you don’t even have to see the logo to know when you have arrived on the Tiffany website.

There is something magical about receiving a gift from Tiffany, as anyone who has given or received a Tiffany box will tell you.

Most brands are not mature enough to evoke an immediate response with customers the way Tiffany & Co. does. However, there are a few things any marketer can learn from the global success of this brand.

5 Tips for Building a Sustainable Brand

  1. Build your brand around your unique selling proposition (USP).
  2. Tirelessly enforce brand in every interaction with customers (logo, website, social media, signage, communications, customer interaction, etc.).

  3. Continually update your messaging to remain relevant as times change.
  4. Promote an emotional connection with customers.
  5. Creatively leverage non-traditional mediums to reinforce the brand.

Tiffany & Co. has successfully deployed these principles over the years. None of us were around when Tiffany & Co. first opened its doors in New York City in 1837. Defining itself as being the “birthplace of American luxury”, known for brilliant diamond rings, customers have embraced the brand as the ultimate expression of love. Having featured a number of designers with distinct styles, Tiffany continues to reinvent the iconic brand to remain chic, current and highly desirable. Tiffany has been featured in film; Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 1961, and in a scene of Sweet Home Alabama the romantic proposal after hours in a Tiffany store reinforces the timeless romance associated with the brand.
View how artfully the brand experience is portrayed in this video clip of a proposal scene in the movie Sweet Home Alabama at Tiffany’s in this video:

Whether you are a romantic, or not, you have to respect what has arguably become one of the most sustainable brands in America.


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