Why I agree with Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and AI Experts that artificial Intelligence Poses “profound risks to society and humanity,” and you should too…
Today, the world is reacting to the call for 6-month verifiable, enforceable ban on AI research in an open letter signed by Elon Musk of Tesla, SpaceX, and Twitter, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, former presidential candidate Andrew Yang, myself, and over 1,000 others to pause AI, or face the risk of “profound risks to society and humanity.”
What the Letter Reveals About AI
“The letter’s signatories, some of whom are AI experts, say the pause they are asking for should be “public and verifiable, and include all key actors.” If said pause “cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium,” according to TechCrunch : https://techcrunch.com/2023/03/28/1100-notable-signatories-just-signed-an-open-letter-asking-all-ai-labs-to-immediately-pause-for-at-least-6-months/
Why I Agree
For nearly 20 years I have been studying various forms of artificial intelligence and machine learning. For nearly a decade I have been studying the potential impact of AI (artificial intelligence) on society: how we live, work, and play. I began to some discoveries on social media as I wrote a book, soon to be released for publication titled “THE FUTURE IS HUMAN” which is also the title of an event I’m hosting in June features a variety of perspectives from a great thinkers to invite attendees to explore how we co-create our future in a world of AI and intelligent machines.
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Europe has begun to put ethical and liability guidelines in place. The United States declined to participate and opted for “self-regulation.” Other nations are having similar conversations. This no longer a national concern, how artificial intelligence will impact the future of humanity is now a global conversation – as it should be.
This is Not the First Letter Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and the World’s Top AI experts Have Signed Warning Against AI
This is Not the First Letter Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak, and the World’s Top AI experts Have Signed Warning Against AI
The following is an excerpt from my upcoming book title THE FUTURE IS HUMAN (new title)
“An Urgent Letter
Elon Musk is one of the world’s leading A.I., robotic researchers, technologists and academics who have issued an open letter urging the United Nations to ban “morally wrong”, lethal autonomous weapons and “killer robots” to prevent a military A.I. arms race that is not in the best interest of humanity.
The letter Autonomous Weapons: An Open Letter from A.I. & Robotics Researchers is signed by Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking the theoretical physicist, cosmologist, bestselling author, and director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death in 2018, Mustafa Suleyman of Google DeepMind and Co-Founder & Head of Applied AI, Steve Wozniak who co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs, and is a member of IEEE the society for technology leaders, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter and Square; and thousands of the world’s foremost authorities and researchers on robotics, astrophysics, artificial computing, machine learning, robotics, human rights, ethics, psychology, medicine, education, political science, business, space, and a number of military experts, retired intelligence officers, agents, and analysts.
In the 2017 letter, the experts warn; “We do not have long to act. Once this Pandora’s box is opened, it will be hard to close,” emphasizing that the time that autonomous weapons are mere years, not decades away from becoming a reality.
As of this date, over 34,000 AI experts, scientists, and researchers around the world have signed the 2017 letter to date.
“If greater than human general artificial intelligence is invented without due caution, it is all but certain that human species will be extinct in very short order,” according to Michael Vassar; fellow American futurist, entrepreneur, co-founder and Chief Science Officer of MetaMed Research.
If the people closest to the development of artificial intelligence are alarmed by the development of AI, perhaps it is time for world-wide evaluation and cooperation.
The future of our species and the world as we know it depends upon it.“
For those of you who know me, it is enough to identify the challenge. I am all about action. In addition to launching initiatives and events to help people navigate this new experience alongside AI, I have joined Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak and hundreds of experts around the world in signing the letter calling for the 6 month pause on AI research – and you can too.
Add Your Signature to the AI Letters
Want to add your signature to the letters?
To sign the 2017 letter, visit the Future of Life website to add your signature: https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/open-letter-autonomous-weapons-ai-robotics/
To sign the 2023 letter to pause large AI experiments, visit the Future of Life website: https://futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/
Is it Too Late to Prevent AI from Negatively Impacting Humans?
“If greater than human general artificial intelligence is invented without due caution, it is all but certain that human species will be extinct in very short order,” according to Michael Vassar; fellow American futurist, entrepreneur, co-founder and Chief Science Officer of MetaMed Research.
I’ve been studying artificial intelligence and machine learning for nearly 20 years. Not as a scientist. I understand other people don’t share this obsession. However, I believe at this point in time, everyone should have some understanding of how artificial intelligence impacts us now, and how it could impact future generations.
If you’re wondering why a pause on AI may be warranted, watch this outstanding video interview of Eric Schmidt:
Thanks for reading! I invite you to connect, attend one of my upcoming events, trainings, or invite me to join me on your show (TV, radio, podcast, etc.) to explore how this impacts your organization, audience, family, and the future. The more we talk about AI, the better we can understand where we are and how to co-create the future!